More often than not, I am melancholy and tend to brood. Whether incessantly, I try my best to stay relevant to the matters of the paradoxical world but most times, my common sense finds nowhere to park itself but to escape to the reelistic world.
Tonight, when the silver lining of the moon beams down softly and my mind caught the silence of solitude, this is the perfect time where i munch on sweet strawberries and let my heart write its unspoken poems, quiet thoughts, imaginative moments.
Most times, my mind leaves me dumbfounded when i look out in the endless sky, and my soul has this deep yearning to be curious and dream of places unknown where i wish i can just hop onto my Pegasus and fly.
Flying away to somewhere without burdensome pains, somewhere where i get to be myself without having to conform to people's opinions, where i can laugh simply, breathe happy, love deeply.
I miss being understood. I miss letting my mind wander to places where i can look so far away beyond the horizon and let my imagination run so wild.
Maybe it's time for a break again.
Just like the seashells. They'll never know where they'll end up.
I'll never know who I'll find.
Perhaps it's you I'll meet
With you I'll be.
All it takes is to fly.