
Lie To Me, Baby!

It makes me so giddy with excitement by just the sheer thought of it.

I get butterflies swarming in my hilly tummy and i look forward to it every single free moment i have on the train, human-jammed buses and it's my antidote for sleep now.

It's Lie To Me i'm talking about, normal people.

If you haven't got the foggiest clue on what i am exactly ranting about, please for the love of God, check it out!!

You have to know and believe me, i seldom watch the tube. *NO FREAKING TIME* I like fuss-free, no commitment kinda shows (except American Idol!!) which you can just watch and let the braincells have some TV spa time.

BUT this... this American drama series just totally blew me and my minuscle brain away. Within the first 5 mins of the first episode of the show, i knew i was hopelessly hooked. My heart was so quickly won over that no man has ever gone to that speed before, haha.

Each plot in each episode is so intricately woven with hidden surprises and mysteries that my mind gets a yoga workout everytime i watch it. I love the way how Dr Cal Lightman, a behavioural scientist, uses applied psychology to dig out truths from these people who were suspected of commiting different crimes.

This is way way wayyyyyyyyyyyy better than The Mentalist. *sorry, my two The Mentalist dudes. This show really win hands down from Red John*

Within a week, in between shuffling buses and trains, having limited personal space with odd looking strangers and holding my bated breath, my ipod laid stationary in my palm while i squinted my feminine eyes watching Tim Roth strut his psychotic stuff and i tell you, it really gives me an orgasmic TV-series high by just watching this darn good show.

And sadly, like all good things always coming to an end, i have completed my first season. *poots*

As i wait earnestly for my second season to come in, as my heart itchingly desire to unravel more crime mysteries that Dr Lightman aim to solve, I shall be a little good girl and start catching up on my loss of beauty sleep.

GOSH. I SO LOVE THIS SHOW!!! *clap clap*

Really, do yourself a favour if someday you found yourself in a state of not knowing what to watch or do, and just want to find something worthwhile to make life alittle more bearable on this dreary earth.

Watch Lie To Me.

I'll make sure you will never regret it. *wink*


Aloha, 2010!!

Okay. I am 13 days late greeting the New Year but as what we hard-core procrastinators always live by this decree and believe it earnestly,

"Better late than Never!!"


It is honestly a fright that time passes so quickly that i have started visualising myself looking like my mum and wearing those clothes that i have once looked at disdain and promised myself that i will NEVER ever dress like my mum.


2010. I look forward to making it a soulful journey where champagne bubbles flow and disco lights glitter. No matter the past, I'll enjoy the future with what I can get. I'll learn to be content, find peace in Him and keep looking gorgeous. *grin*

In the midst of life, we always need to let go the old in order to receive the new.

Adious 2009 and watch out 2010!