
Aloha, 2010!!

Okay. I am 13 days late greeting the New Year but as what we hard-core procrastinators always live by this decree and believe it earnestly,

"Better late than Never!!"


It is honestly a fright that time passes so quickly that i have started visualising myself looking like my mum and wearing those clothes that i have once looked at disdain and promised myself that i will NEVER ever dress like my mum.


2010. I look forward to making it a soulful journey where champagne bubbles flow and disco lights glitter. No matter the past, I'll enjoy the future with what I can get. I'll learn to be content, find peace in Him and keep looking gorgeous. *grin*

In the midst of life, we always need to let go the old in order to receive the new.

Adious 2009 and watch out 2010!


tokinglekkerding said...

hey my dearest babe! i really like the soulful journey you've describe. and thank you for sharing those words that enlighten me. it's the future that we have to look and work forward for.
and yes, i definitely need to find peace in Him and have faith in Him.

we believe and trust He is the mighty one.

i believe He's with me and i'm very sure He's just next to you.
love ya lots babe!

The.Samurai.Princess. said...

Hey dear!

Thanks for your lovely comments and hope the year ahead will be an interesting journey for you. :)

Take care ya!