
Fading slowly.

There are times in our precious lives, where we will meet with crossroads and there is this deep dilemma in making the right decision. Who decides what is right in the first place? Your heart? Your head? Logic or intuition?

Everyday, we are face with situations which needs decisions, decisions, decisions. I am bad at making major decisions. My heart gives too much room to people i care alot. I think far too much for these people that many times, my decisions are based on how they would continue living should i make this particular decision. I am not perfect. I have made many bad decisions in the past which led me to be a better me through these bad patches and i appreciate the person i am now. I still have my flaws but at least i acknowledge them now, knowing that i still have lots to learn in being a good person.

How does one find oneself? How do they know what their soul is all about and who they really are? I lost some parts of myself while making the bad decisions and found some parts of me when i made some right ones. I don't wish to be something i am not but sometimes we put on masks in order to survive reality. And due to that, we lose ourselves slowly and who we are fades away.

Can i carry on living like this, knowing some part of me is slowly ebbing away to nothingness? Is this who i really want to become?

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